
Posts Tagged ‘frankfurters’

Seriously. How could anyone think this looks attractive enough to stick in your mouth?

I snapped this prized winning pic the other day while out running errands. The country is littered with these hot dog stands. They are in supermarkets, malls, gas stations, street corners, and pedestrian shopping streets. I just can’t believe someone in their marketing/advertising department had these photos taken, laid out this ad and then with certainty said, “Yup. It’s perfect Sven!! Let’s print up some posters straight away – they’ll be drooling over these puppies!”

In Sweden, they serve hot dogs as you see them here – shoved into this hollowed out tube shaped bun – but they also have this crazy concoction called the “Half-Special’“. (I haven’t actually slipped this masterpiece into my grill – but have seen it on the menus while walking by these joints).

The “Half-Special” is a grilled sausage way-too-long-for-the-bread slapped on an American style bun, with a scoop of mashed potatoes plunked on top. (Yup, you heard me right – mashed potatoes). For the “Full-Special”, you’ll receive two franks, a generous spoonful of spuds, a handful of shrimp salad, and occasionally it’ll be topped off with a just a wee bit of some cucumber mix. (I’m sorry for not having a picture of this heinous dish loveliness – you’ll just have to use your imagination).

I’m all for trying different types of food, have a very diverse palate, and usually jump in with both feet, ready to nibble on new dishes – so I guess I can’t say I’ll never try it……but I can’t say I really want to either.

My apologies to Sweden here – but am I the only one who thinks this sounds totally nasty?

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